Agroindustrial Sector Economics Faculty

Bulbeniuk Svitlana Stepanivna

department:Department of Political Technologies
teacher degree:associate professor
Degree:candidate in political science
   Graduated from NPU named after M.P. Drahomanova, specialty "Political Science" (diploma with honors). The topic of the candidate's thesis: "Neoliberal models of modernization in societies of the transitional type", the defense took place at the Institute of State and Law named after V.M. Koretsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Since September 2005, she has been working at the Department of Political Science and Sociology of KNEU named after Vadym Hetman as a senior teacher, since September 2007 - associate professor of the department. From September 2021 to October 2022, she worked as an associate professor at the Department of Political Science at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. In January 2011, she received the academic title of associate professor. She taught and continues to teach the academic disciplines "Political Science", "Sociology", "Modern Ideological and Political Currents", "History of Political Thought", "Political Power", "History of Political Thought in Ukraine". She is the author of 1 individual monograph (electronic resource) and co-author of 5 collective monographs, co-author of 7 training manuals (3 of them with the seal of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine) and the author of 1 practical manual; articles to the "Political Encyclopedia", "Political Encyclopedic Dictionary", "Legal Encyclopedia" and the encyclopedic publication "American Presidentialism". Scientific articles have been published in domestic and Polish specialized scientific publications.
The total number of publications is more than 100.
She is an expert of the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education. She has experience in conducting accreditation examinations of educational programs in political science at the bachelor's and master's levels as the head of the expert group.
Over the years of scientific and pedagogical activity, more than 22 Work programs and Methodical materials from various educational disciplines were developed during the period of work at M. P. Drahomanov National University of Applied Sciences, Vadym Hetman KNEU, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University  - individually, 3 Work programs and Methodical materials are co-authored.
Provided teaching of lectures and practical classes in the disciplines "Political Science", "Sociology", "Public Relations", "Modern Ideological and Political Currents", "History of Political Thought". Currently teaches the disciplines "Political Science", "Political Power", "Introduction to Political Science", "Civil Society".
During 2018-2022, she mastered studies and took part in more than 45 trainings and methodological seminars.
Advanced qualification (as of October 2022): 1) In the spring of 2018, she successfully completed the training course "Preparation of a teacher for the formation of 21st century competencies in students." on the basis of the Institute of Postgraduate Education KNEU named after V. Hetman (certificate of professional development with honors). 2) Completion of the online course "SoftskillsXXI: how to be needed", May 21-22, 2021 (4 hours). 3) "KNUTeachWeek" course (1 ESTS credit) - training course of T. Shevchenko KNU, certificate dated 06/09/2021. 4) Participation in the II International scientific and methodological conference "Value-oriented approach in education and challenges of European integration", May 2021, Sumy State University (0.3 ECTS credits). 5) Certificate of advanced training of an expert of the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education, completion of training for heads of expert groups, May 2021 (1 ECTS credit). 6) June 2021. Course "Quality of higher education in the context of requirements for accreditation of educational programs: the role of guarantors", University of Higher Education "KROC" University of Economics and Law (1 ECTS credit). 7) October 2021 Course "Google digital tools for institutions of higher, professional pre-higher education". Certificate No. 5GW-0020, October 2021. 1 ESTS credit (30 hours). 8) October-November 2021 Course "Polyaspectality of professional development of teachers in the conditions of the new reality", University of Higher Education "University of Economics and Law "KROK" (3 ECTS credits). 9) May-June 2022. Course "Media Education", Kyiv University named after Boris Grinchenko (1 ECTS credit).
Participant of the project "Innovative university and leadership. Phase VI: Models of Academic Autonomy and the University in Lifelong Learning" (October 2022 - June 2023). which involves an internship at the Warsaw and Jagiellonian Universities (Poland) in October-November 2022.
She has an active research and public position, constantly participates in various scientific and public events, in particular in the work of the public initiative "Progressilni". She is an activist and blogger of the NGO "SD Platforma" and the GI "Progressilni". She has repeatedly participated in the work of the Specialized Academic Councils for the defense of PhD theses in political sciences as an official opponent. He is a reviewer of master's theses of students of higher education institutions of Kyiv in different years.
Scientific interests: political modernization, democratization, cratology, systemic transformation of society, problems of the formation of civil society in Ukraine, political development of modern Ukraine.