Agroindustrial Sector Economics Faculty

Economics of Agroindustrial Entities

Having been trained under the Master's Program "Business Economics in Agro-industrial Complex" student acquires the following knowledge:
─ in-depth knowledge of the theory and practice of processing and substantiating specific proposals concerning current problems of agricultural enterprises;
─ understanding of the nature and terms of entrepreneurship in agriculture, sources and methods of finding business ideas, justification of legal forms of business;
─ in-depth knowledge of general concepts and specific features of agricultural business management;
─ applied knowledge of system formation of economic indicators that can characterize the effectiveness of state agricultural policy and its implementation at various levels of government;
─ knowledge of the ways how to use the reserves to increase the efficiency of agricultural business;
─ knowledge of the peculiarities of the market economy functioning in agriculture and their impact on decision-making by agricultural enterprises;
─ knowledge of the methodology of scientific research.

In addition, the student is able to:
─ apply methods of integrated and systematic assessment of the socio-economic development of agricultural enterprises and their units;
─ analyze the effectiveness of innovative, investment and financial activity;
─ carry out a feasibility study of projects, development of new products,  use of new technologies;
─ coordinate structural divisions of enterprises to develop plans in a competitive environment;
─ organize the implementation of measures to improve production efficiency and rationalization of material and labor costs, and costs of financial resources;
─ organize a comprehensive economic analysis of industrial and economic activity of the enterprise and its divisions;
─ justify project decisions on market strategy of the company, its marketing policy, production plan, organizational, financial and investment plans, risk management;
─ demonstrate the ability to manage projects, including the development of business plans, investment projects on the basis of a particular company or while creating their own business;
─perform budgeting function in agricultural enterprises;
─ develop methodological advice, guidance and methodological materials on formation and implementation of agricultural policy at the micro and macro levels; take practical steps for the organization of consultations for the heads of government agencies and regional management structures concerning the development and implementation of management decisions.

Last redaction: 13.07.16