- Faculties»
- Agroindustrial Sector Economics Faculty»
- Contact Information
Contact Information
Address (location): 03113, Kyiv, Dehtyarivska str. 49G (KNEU, Building II)
Address (mailing): 03680, Kyiv, Peremoga Ave. 54/1 (KNEU, Building I).
Dean of the Faculty:
Mykhailo M. KOTSUPATRYY - Room 65, phone:
(044)456-50-58, (044)371-62-31, e-mail: feapk@mail.ru.
Vice Dean:
Oksana M. Vysotska - Room 63
phone: (044) 371-62-29, e-mail: feapk@mail.ru.
Assistant Dean:
Oksana S. PAVLYUK - Room 63, phone: (044) 371-62-29.
Full-time Education Manager:
Olena V. Kyrylenko - Room 62, phone: (044) 371-62-30, feapk@mail.ru.
Distance learning Methodist:
Natalia B. Leskova - Room 62, phone: (044) 371-62-30
Alona V. Khovanska - Room 65, phone: (044) 371-62-31
Faculty Twitter: http: //vk.com./feapk
The staff of the Department of Economics of AIC expects talented youth for training and adaptation in the professional world. For more information, see the Kyiv National Economic University while visiting the Open House Days or the above contact information.
Last redaction: 10.11.17