Факультет економiки АПК

Інформація про міжнародну співпрацю

The Department of Economics of AIC has established international cooperation with the State University of Colorado, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA (Colorado State University, USA), representatives of UNDP within the Project of the European Union and UNDP "Local Development" and the Ministry of Agriculture, Washington DC, (United States Department of Agriculture).
In addition, the Department is working with the University of Georg-August (m.Hottynhen, Germany), which has been secured by the signing of the relevant agreement between the universities. Regular training of teachers and students of both universities take place in the course of this cooperation.  There is an opportunity for the Bachelors  of the Department to continue their studies at the University of Georg-August and receive a Master’s Degree of both universities. The Department also effectively cooperates with relevant departments of the CIS countries, the university  of Konstants (Germany).

Остання редакція: 27.01.16